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Wetland Equipment For Pros & Industry

When working in wetlands you need a special machine!

The Truxor stand as a paragon of efficiency and adaptability across a spectrum of tasks in water bodies and the surrounding environments.

After 30+ years in the business and delivery to 70+ countries around the world on all the continents. We understand that great wetland equipment can make a difference for pros and industry!

Specialized Wetland Equipment

When it comes to wetland work, specialized equipment is essential.

Truxor machines exemplify efficiency and adaptability across diverse water and wetland tasks, providing the reliability professionals need.

Discover how innovative tools deliver solutions for even the toughest environments.

The best part, one machine can be many tools!

One Amphibious Machine With 10+ Tools

The Truxor is a special amphibious machine and you almost have to see it to understand because just saying “amphibious machine” is not giving it fully justice!

The small footprint, moving from land to water, shifting tools, variety of tools.

It's so much more capable than any competitor and for us, it’s the go to machine when we are talking about wetland equipment.

Learn more about the Truxor

Have you seen this amphibious machine in the wild?

One of the great joys we have is to see our machine on images and videos in social media! Not only does it look cool, it does the job and it’s more powerful than all our success stories when you see ongoing results this flexible amphibious machine delivers!

Jonas Larsson


“Vi har haft ett väldigt bra samarbete och jag har varit involverad i produktutvecklingen för att kunna optimera knivarna. Nu är jag inne på den sjätte maskinen och jag är väldigt nöjd. T50-maskinen har rätt styrka för mig och jag behöver aldrig bry mig om underlaget - om det är lera, på vatten eller gungfly.”

Läs Jonas story  Läs fler stories


Om Truxor Wetland Equipment

Vår grund bygger på innovation och produktutveckling i nära samarbete med våra kunder och återförsäljare. Det innebär att vi kan föra de bästa produkterna till marknaden. Amfibiska maskiner utvecklade för effektivitet och för områden och terränger som är svåra att komma åt.

Lär känna oss

Wetland Equipment - The original

 With a delivery to over 65 countries in the world, we are confident that our wetland equipment can face challenges that the world demands. It's a great honor to see so many success stories, projects and preservations coming to life. All because of one machine and the equipment made for wetland. 

An amphibious machine

The Truxor is a special machine and you almost have to see it to understand because just saying amphibious machine is not giving it fully justice! In technical terms it is an amphibious machine, but it's so much more capable with a variety of tools that can be attached and do the work of many.  

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