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Efficient Reed Cutting at the Summer House – Dorocutter for the Motorboat


The beautiful sea bay at Kilnäset, just outside Kalix in Sweden, was at risk of overgrowth – reed had taken over and worsened the daily life for summer house owners. The solution was a Dorocutter 3070, and now only a few straws remain.


In the northernmost part of the Gulf of Bothnia lies Kilnäset, a beautiful sea bay with summer houses struggling to keep the spread of reeds in check.


“The feeling was, 'if we don't do something now, the bay will become overgrown.' I was tasked with finding the tools for a solution,” says Per Luthström from the association of summer houses.



The research to find an effective solution for reed cutting at the summer cottage led Per Luthström and the association for summer houses to choose a Dorocutter 3070. A reed cutter that is mounted at the front of a small motorboat and has a working width of 3 meters.


“It fits us and our needs perfectly, we're so satisfied. Now, there are only a few straws left in the bay. It took about three years for us to see significant results. After the first year, it became significantly sparser, after the second year even sparser, and it continues to develop in the right direction. We keep up and cut the reed 1–2 times per summer,” says Per Luthström.


The results have been so positive that the work has attracted curious looks.




“Many people have come to us and asked if we rent it out. But we're cautious and focus on maintaining our bay.”


Dorocutter 3070 and 3071 have become popular for efficient reed cutting in the private market. This includes summer house owners, fishing associations, and other types of groups. The simplicity of requiring only a small motorboat to get started with the work makes it sought after all over the world.