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Time for a new water management approach in Mexico


Ricardo Ontiveros is convinced. After being a customer using Truxor’s amphibious tool carrier he is now set to mission a new way of water management. “The regrowth in the lakes is faster than the maintenance with the current methods. With Truxor we have a possibility to change that to the better”.


In the Mexican lakes and water reservoirs the invasive water hyacinth is causing major problems. The go-to solution is usually the use of chemicals.




“The problem with that is that the plants that are killed drop to the bottom of the lakes, and just adding to the problem with overgrowing. With Truxor everything is done mechanically, both the cutting and removal. The challenge now is to get more people and businesses in Mexico conscious of this solution”, says Ricardo Ontiveros, founder of Regeneración Medioambiental operating out of the city of Leon.


The company name is translated to Environmental Regeneration and Ricardo Ontiveros has a background in environmental engineering. Back in 2017, when working with water management, Ricardo found out about the Truxor machines.


“I traveled to Sweden and got the opportunity to test the machine and all the tools. It became clear that Truxor was superior to the alternatives used in Mexico. I bought the first machine in 2018”, says Ricardo.


The machine was used in a smaller scale for a couple of years, and with the pandemic slowing business down Ricardo Ontiveros changed focus of the operations to environmental consulting and as a reseller of Truxor in Mexico.


“There are already businesses that have government contracts for water management, hopefully I can start demonstrating on a larger scale to show off the possibilities,” says Ricardo Ontiveros.


“I see a great opportunity to change the way we see water management and provide a different service to the people. As it is now, the problems grow back faster than the maintenance is carried out. My experience, as a customer to Truxor, is that the machine and its great qualities and tools are not valued properly. But that is about to change, in my mind”.



“It feels great to have a new member in the Truxor family and it will be good to have feet on the ground to support and service our Mexican customers. By mechanising with Truxor it will be possible to significantly scale up the mechanical aquatic weed removal. Our Truxor silt pumping products will also be tools for cleaning up the sediment build up from years of using of chemicals”, says Jöns Näslund, sales manager, Truxor Wetland Equipment.


One of the most difficult areas to approach is something in Mexico called water districts for agricultural use. Areas of land designated for growing food where the government have canals for water distribution. Most of these are invaded by plants and are non-operative.


“As soon as we clean these lakes, canals, and water reservoirs from invasive plants the eco-system will change to the better, the economic activities in the areas will improve, and the social aspect for the people in the area will also improve. From a sustainability perspective it is environmental, social, and economical to take care of our lakes in a smarter and more effective way”, says Ricardo Ontiveros.